The last in a trio of posters-this one commissioned by Mobil-that Glaser did for this concert series in Philadelphia. His Cubist portrait of a muse in profile shows her brow-cum-swan: in ancient literature, the symbol of Orpheus, the god of music.
Glaser places his haunting image over a quote celebrating the snow leopard's magnificent nature. Barely tamed by the art of the portrait, the vibrant colors evoke the cat's glowing eyes and fiery freedom.
Although most of Glaser's posters are for cultural events or institutions, this commission was occasioned by the bicentennial of the United States Constitution. A blocky profile of blind justice dominates the design. The panel below it has a vague flavor of Grecian columns, suggesting classical virtues and Parthenon-style courthouse architecture.
Glaser has remarked that the way he illustrated the well-known folk-rock composer-singers here was, in a reverse of the usual process, influenced by the appearance of the typeface he used-his own "Babyfat" alphabet.