Size: 33 x 46 1/2 inches, numbered 5/100
Through visual language Oleh Shcherba’s poster tells about the first days of the Russian Federation’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February. The artist depicted the kyivan residential building that was hit by a shell on February 26, lines of men to the military commissariats, who readily entered the ranks of the territorial defence, as well as one of the symbols of Kyiv – The Motherland Monument also ready to defend Ukraine with a raised upwards sword.
This artist is a member of the Pictoric group. Pictoric is a group of Ukrainian illustrators that created a website to fight against the Russian aggression in their homeland, Ukraine. They collect and create illustrations, posters, and comic books to support Ukraine and its people, convey true information, and inspire the whole world to fight for freedom and democracy.
**All proceeds will be donated to the Ukrainian Emergency Art Fund**